Christopher A. Darak

Christopher Darak has over twenty years of experience in navigating complex business obstacles and has a passion for sharing his knowledge and experience with other business owners, entrepreneurs, and people looking for new opportunities. As a Senior Advisor and Project Manager at Sanguine Strategic Advisors, Christopher is committed to assisting others in determining  and achieving their paths to success.

Christopher has been a successful operator of a number of businesses, each of which were built on innovation and aggressive growth and in the face of challenging business environments. As the owner and CEO of AGN Futures, LLC, a brokerage firm with offices in Chicago, Christopher amassed extensive expertise in the financial sector. Christopher is also a leader in software development and implementation and prides himself on generating innovative solutions to everyday business challenges. He thrives on adjusting to and leveraging a rapidly evolving digital environment. Christopher loves negotiating and closing deals. His negotiating skills and ability to forge strategic alliances have been key in advancing business opportunities for his clients.

Visit Christopher Darak’s LinkedIn profile, or get in touch with him by email or phone to learn more about his background, perspectives, and business opportunities.